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VAST™ Personalized Portfolios

Personalization Options

VAST enables personalization of every account, enabling you to construct and refine portfolios based on what matters most to your clients.

Woman Discussing Vast Personalization Options

In a fully custom Personalized Portfolio, you can easily set up new accounts based on a range of client-specific objectives, tax management preferences and investment criteria including:

Values-Based Personalization

Construct portfolios that reflect client-defined social screens, business involvement and security restrictions.

Investment Preferences

Meet your clients' investment criteria as they relate to company selection, sector exclusion or do-not-buy/do-not-sell orders.

Individual Tax Outcomes

Accurately manage client-driven income and liquidity events in a tax-efficient way.

VAST Personalization Options Client 1570x944

Personalized for Special Situations

VAST enables you to personalize investing for clients with special requirements and situations, including those holding underperforming SMAs, ETF portfolios or concentrated positions or looking to capitalize on an investment opportunity.

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Put Your Advice Into Action

With VAST, you can put your advice into action across your book of business. And your clients can benefit from personalized advice that can be implemented, optimized and updated as the market and their objectives evolve.

How to Use VAST

Explore VAST

Investment Options and Portfolio Construction

VAST’s extensive investment platform is comprised of tools to address diverse client goals.

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Tax Management

Need to transition a client from an existing portfolio or looking for enhanced tax management services?

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VAST Overview

Gain more time to deepen client relationships, sharpen your competitive edge and grow your business.

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There is no assurance that a separately managed account (“SMA”) will achieve its investment objective. SMAs are subject to market risk, which is the possibility that the market values of the securities in an account will decline and that the value of the securities may therefore be less than what you paid for them. Investment strategies that seek to enhance after-tax performance may be unable to fully realize strategic gains or harvest losses. Tax-loss harvesting involves the risks that the new investment could perform worse than the original investment and that transaction costs could offset the tax benefit.

Learn more about Vestmark VAST® Personalization Options

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Vestmark Advisory Solutions, Inc. (“VAS”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vestmark, Inc., is an investment advisor registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). VAS acts as a paid sub advisor and/or overlay portfolio manager offering VAST and tax optimization services. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. VAS has its principal place of business in Wakefield, MA. Investing involves risk. The value of an investment will fluctuate over time, and an investor may gain or lose money. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns and individual investor results will vary. Please consult our full disclosure document for a discussion of risks related to the services provided by VAS.